Get to know the wonderful Coleman family:

Whit, Jonas, Maggie and Lindsey Coleman

Maggie, Lindsey and Jonas Coleman

Maggie and Jonas Coleman

A little bit more about the Colemans...

Whit and Linsdsey Coleman grew up just a couple miles apart in the East Milcreek area of Salt Lake. They met in their junior high english class and started dating in high school. A few years down the road they were married, and on December 2nd, 2007 were blessed with the birth of their precious baby boy named Jonas.

At six weeks old Jonas was diagnosed with a genetic disorder called SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). This results in loss of nerves in the spinal cord and weakness in the muscles connected to those nerves.

Jonas cannot swallow, talk, move his limbs, or breathe on his own. Still, Jonas is a happy little soul and communicates his needs with his eyes. While Jonas' condition worsens, Whit and Linsey have been informed their second child, who was just born, has the same disease. Margaret Rachel Coleman joined the Coleman family August 27, 2010. 

Constant care and expensive equipment is required to keep both children alive. A simple cold could take either one of their lives.

Check out the story KSL did on the Coleman family: